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March 2, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 2, 2016 – 3 pm
Meeting Minutes  -  PBMLP

3:10 PM   Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman and T.A. Nina Nazarian, Phil Leaman, John Kowaleski, and Phil O’Brien in attendance along with representatives of Axis Engineering
         Stan invited John Barry, owner of Axis Engineering of Westboro, and Mike Paquin, fiber engineer, to describe the operation. In business since 2013, it grew from one principal to 15 employees in that time. They cited several work/job references including, Level 3, RCN Lightower of Westboro, which is currently installing fiber in Worcester for municipal buildings and schools.  Described OSP (outside plant) and ISP (inside plant) construction. Discussion around stringing fiber, material costing much less than copper/metal wire, extra ‘slack loops” built during pole installation for maintenance/repair.
        Mr. Barry noted that town did exceptional job of collecting data and GPS locations of all 2,600 poles in town, preliminary work that would have cost $70,000 to job out, but was done by volunteers. He pointed out that he lives in Hubbardston and would like to work locally, for municipalities. Any bids he submits would include resumes; main advantage of his firm is they are new, small and “hungry,” which means costing less.
        Stan referred to procurement law under MGL Ch. 30B but noted that engineering/architectural design work is exempt. He also noted restraints of Ch. 30 & 39M for infrastructure projects and requirements around invitations-to-bid. He explained the timeline and now just waiting for Verizon to complete pole applications—over half of the licenses are completed.
4 PM  Stan had a chart he distributed with costs to install lines underground. About 201 houselots do not have aerial lines—out of 1,303. Several subdivision roads have buried utilities and some already have utility easements attached to residents’ deeds.
        Question lingers over timing of STM. An early June STM would not have bid results available, however, with bids in hand, the earliest STM would be late August. Jon F. notes that the project’s single biggest issue is having funding in place and there is only one shot at a STM to get it approved. Another timeframe consideration is ordering the fiber, which has a 6 – 8 month turnaround from a manufacturer/distributor.
        Phil O. pointed out that informational sessions depend on a STM date as they should be within a few weeks and not months apart. He reported that postcards are going out this week and the website is up and people are starting to respond.
4:20 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of Feb. 23 along with exec. session minutes.       
        Phil L. reported that the last survey with Verizon was submitted today so all 13 applications are done. Group decided to hold off the bill payment to Verizon on the current batch to Warrant FY’16-19. John K. asked to review bills first and discuss with Stan and Nina, but take no action immediately. He added that PMLD can take action after the Verizon work is done so as to get final pricing.

4:35 PM  PBMLP Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

PBMLP Referenced Documents:  PP Presentation on Axis Engrg. with CAD plans; cost-out chart for buried lines

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department